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Benedict XVI - Angelus
Benedict XVI, Angelus 16 08 2009
Benedict XVI's Angelus prayer "Lent is a time for conversion"
Pope Benedict XVIs Angelus prayer, addresses charity, peace and leprosy
ANGELUS 2011-06-26
Pope Benedict XVI's Angelus address (English translation) - Feb. 17, 2013
Saying Farewell to Benedict XVI in his last Angelus
Benedetto XVI dimentica la benedizione e ride, Angelus prima della GMG 2005
Pope Benedict XVI's final Angelus address (English translation) - Feb. 24, 2013
Thousands flock to St. Peter's Square for Benedict XVI's Angelus
Benedict XVI: Angels Saved Me Four Times | The Guardian Angelus
Angelus: Pope explains Christ's commandment of love